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I have been trying to identify a little creepie crawley that causes my wife to go loopy, thanks to your great website I have identified it (Scutigera Coleoptrata) , wikipedia told me all about it, now they are welcome in the, old, house we live in here in France. I have passed yout site address on to friends.
On Sunday 13 July 2008 - France
Can you please help me identify this caterpillar.. I have seen similar caterpillars on TLC but that was in Brazil where the caterpillars are located, but I have found one of the stinging caterpillars...I just wanted to know if I need to call someone out to find out where they are coming from... I was going outside to feed my cat and it was inching towards the steps.. I live in the Northeast corner of Arkansas,and the temperature is in the low 90's...Any information would be greatly appreciated..

Thank You,sincerly
On Friday 11 July 2008 - usa
HI U OK :cry:
On Wednesday 23 April 2008 - USA
Cool site!
On Sunday 6 April 2008 - usa
hey i know about bugs :D i love bugs do u i hope sooo i am in to bratz 2
On Wednesday 20 February 2008 - usa
hey how r u
On Wednesday 20 February 2008 - usa
On Tuesday 19 February 2008 - 15004544
On Friday 25 January 2008 - USA
Glenda Mae Kline
Am interested in finding a photo of a bug that a friend saw and nobody believes him! He said it is about 6in long, black with long wings and large eyes and can really run. Was seen during combine season. Glenda Mae in Pringle, SD!!!
On Thursday 6 December 2007 - USA
destiney snell
this website helps me learn so i can get smarter thank u bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
On Monday 5 November 2007 - spain
Catherine katie Duguay
This site is very interesting and very educational as well. This is a great site for students who are looking for pictures who are working on either an assignment or a project. Excellent work!
On Monday 1 October 2007 - Canada
geraint west
great easy access pictures
On Sunday 30 September 2007 - england
I think that you need to have easier access to the pictures cuz i'm doing a bug project for school right now and I need to find the common name for a certain type of grasshopper and I need to see a pix of it to know which species it is. :cry:
On Thursday 27 September 2007
I think that you need to have easier access to the pictures cuz i'm doing a bug project for school right now and I need to find the common name for a certain type of grasshopper and I need to see a pix of it to know which species it is. :cry:
On Thursday 27 September 2007
Reigan Martinez
looking for a sand puppy
On Thursday 13 September 2007 - USA
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