I haven\'t viewed your site yet. I\'m here looking for a picture of a beetle - copper and irridescent green in color (about the size of a shelled peanut) that eats nearly every leaf in site.
On Sunday 26 July 2009 - USA
Tom R Jones
Very nice and well-done website. Enjoyed looking at all the beautiful pictures.
On Thursday 19 March 2009 - United States
Fred Jones
Hi, cool bug pics. I live in Pennsylvania on a farm. I am 47 yrs old but i to like bugs, think there cool. If you would like i can email you starting this spring lots of bug pics from my area of the us. Never know might find a rare one or one the just different from the norm. Well, let me know. Just browsin the bug pics. Have a great day!
On Saturday 22 November 2008 - usa
Alan D Tomlin
Looking for insect pictures for Gr 3 class
On Monday 13 October 2008 - canada
On Wednesday 1 October 2008 - usa
how do I access with a yahoo. address?
On Saturday 27 September 2008 - usa
trying to figure out what type of bug I saw last night. At first glance it made me think scorpion, but it had no claws or tail.
On Sunday 31 August 2008 - USA
shannon merrell
I have found what is weired bug to me. I look it up and found out that it is a imperial moth.
I am wondering if you or someone know a good link or web page about other moths or bugs in that are
in this world ? love your web site
On Friday 25 July 2008 - rockfrod ill
trying to find what kind of bug is on medical marijuana plant in western oregon.